Trip “Paris and the Castles of Loire Valley”

Paris and the cas­tles of Loire Val­ley is an exclu­sive author’s trip. This pro­gram will allow you dur­ing just one week to not only get to know Paris and its sub­urbs, but also spend two unfor­get­table days in the mys­te­ri­ous Loire Val­ley, where you can ful­ly enjoy the lux­u­ry and splen­dor of its nature and castles.

In Paris, you will dis­cov­er the main sights of Paris com­fort­ably, such as the Opera Gar­nier and the Eif­fel Tow­er, Champs Ely­sees and the Lou­vre. You will have a great chance to pen­e­trate into the his­to­ry of the most famous archi­tec­tur­al mon­u­ments and areas of Paris. A sight­see­ing boat trip on the Seine will become incred­i­bly col­or­ful for you. And while walk­ing around the Latin Quar­ter, you will dis­cov­er such won­der­ful places in Paris as the Lux­em­bourg Gar­dens and the Sor­bonne University.

Have a walk along the cozy streets, enjoy the aro­mas of French cafes and take won­der­ful pho­tos. We rec­om­mend you admir­ing the views of the artis­tic Mont­martre or go shop­ping at the Champs Ely­sees. And the world famous Notre Dame de Paris Cathe­dral, glo­ri­fied in the nov­el by Vic­tor Hugo, will be wait­ing for you on the island of Cité. The trip “Paris and the cas­tles of Loire Val­ley” is an incred­i­ble immer­sion in the his­to­ry and cul­ture of France.

Undoubt­ed­ly, the Lou­vre with its unique glass pyra­mid in the cen­ter of the square is con­sid­ered to be one of the main trea­sures of Paris. Many unique exhibits are orga­nized here. You will see the world famous Gio­con­da, a stat­ue of Venus de Milo, Nika of Samoth­race, a gallery of paint­ings by Rubens and oth­er leg­endary works of art.

One of the most event­ful days of our pro­gram will be a vis­it to Ver­sailles, the famous res­i­dence of the French kings. Here you will admire the Baroque archi­tec­ture, lux­u­ri­ous fur­nish­ings, works of art and exclu­sive fur­ni­ture. Enjoy the gar­dens of Ver­sailles Palace and its sculp­ture, foun­tains, ponds, flower beds and trees. A tour of Ver­sailles will give you a huge amount of pos­i­tive emo­tions and great photos.

Undoubt­ed­ly, the most strik­ing chord of our trip will be a two-day trip to the cas­tles of Loire Val­ley. The Loire Val­ley has pre­served more than 1000 ancient cas­tles and res­i­dences. Here you will vis­it amaz­ing cas­tles such as Chenon­ceau, Cham­bord, Amboise and Blois. Each of them has its own unique his­to­ry, ancient inte­ri­ors and beau­ti­ful parks. Enjoy this unique place, deli­cious cui­sine and a tra­di­tion­al French-style evening.

A week in France is a dream that comes true. Our trip “Paris and the cas­tles of Loire Val­ley” is orga­nized by a com­fort­able trans­port and in a small mini-group. And our pro­fes­sion­al staff is hap­py to pro­vide com­fort and safe­ty dur­ing your inter­est­ing and event­ful vacation.

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